News/Update: The good, bad, and the glorious
At this point, you probably all know the good news. I proposed on June 10th and she said yes. I could probably say more, and if the demand exists, I'll write the whole story of the proposal up here.
The next piece of news is both bad and good. I was laid off on Friday. Bad: I'm no longer employed. Good: I'm not working there anymore.
I woke up on Saturday morning, and felt better than I have in years. (as far as waking up and being half asleep goes)
As to the glorious, that should be obvious if you know me well enough:
God is gracious and good. He provides. He will provide. He is sovereign.
The last few weeks have been a major applicative learning experience for me. I needed God's power in order to get through each day, I did not have the strength on my own.
Our Lord is amazing!